Counter Competitive Intelligence

Due diligence to protect your company.

Counter Competitive Intelligence (CCI)

From open source, we check:

For Internal Network Monitoring:

About us

Internal Network Monitoring - How is being done ?

We provide the tools for automatic monitoring of your computer network traffic to reveal anomalous connections leaking your data.

Your system should have a modern Intel Pentium-class, at least 1 GB RAM, and at least 1 Ethernet NIC/WIC for network monitoring.

* One option does not require any installation of software on
your computers. Will use a live CD operating on Ubuntu Linux.

* The other option is to install all  Win32 executables and all
the necessary supporting packages on a Windows XP workstation. 
This option may allow also for remote monitoring.

To start a Counter Competitive Intelligence assessment, please submit:

Business Name:
Contact Information:
Email Address:
URL or IP address: