Pitching the Yeast
Yeast dosage is dependant on sugar content and percent of alcohol we wish to ferment to. Fermentation severely slows past 14 since alcohol denatures the zymase enzyme. However, some yeasts can ferment up to 21 Things like sugar and molasses are not very nutrient rich and may require additional yeast nutrients.
Temperature Control
Temperature of the boiler or fermentation vessel (which ever you are using) is best kept at 70F. One method is to first ice the mash after liquefaction. A cooling coil can also be used. Some yeast strains are very temperature tolerant, some are not. For the most part, past 85F, fermentation will cease.
Air Locking and Fermentation Traps
Yeast has two methods of metabolism. When oxygen is present, sugar is consumed and yeast divides. This is a good way of getting our yeast started, but a very bad way of producing alcohol. The best way is to seal the fermenter and run a hose from the top of the fermener into a vessel of water. This way carbon dioxide bubbles up through the water, but no air is able to enter the vessel. The same bucket can be used for cooling reservoir and air locking.