S E L E C T I O N :

  1. Feedstock

  2. Energy Requirements

  3. Transportation

  4. Water Requirements

  5. Comunity Considerations

Site criteria should be identified and ranked in terms of importance. These criteria provide guidance in the selection of a specific plant site and are helpful when evaluating competing locations. Feedstock and energy costs are typically among the highest input costs but other factors are important in determining production cost estimates, profitability and competitiveness of the plant. Proper siting of an ethanol plant, including the optimum location of the plant on the site itself, is among the most important aspects of project development. This process should be based on a broad range of parameters designed to optimize the economic viability of the plant and the opportunity for successful, sustained operation of the facility. The following criterion should be considered general site location factors. Process technology, feedstock options and other factors that may represent unique locational factors or opportunities should also be considered when present.

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