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- Requires ATM operators who impose a fee for use of an ATM by a non-customer to post a notice on the machine that a fee will be charged and on the screen that a fee will be charged and the amount of the fee. This notice must be posted before the consumer is irrevocably committed to completing the transaction. A paper notice issued from the machine may be used in lieu of a posting on the screen. No surcharge may be imposed unless the notices are made and the consumer elects to proceed with the transaction. Provision is made for those older machines that are unable to provide the notices required. Requires a notice when ATM cards are issued that surcharges may be imposed by other parties when transactions are initiated from ATMs not operated by the card issuer. Exempts ATM operators from liability if properly placed notices on the machines are subsequently removed, damaged, or altered by anyone other than the ATM operator.
- Clarifies that nothing in the act repeals any provision of the CRA.
- Requires full public disclosure of all CRA agreements.
- Requires each bank and each non-bank party to a CRA agreement to make a public report each year on how the money and other resources involved in the agreement were used.
- Grants regulatory relief regarding the frequency of CRA exams to small banks and savings and loans (those with no more than $250 million in assets). Small institutions having received an outstanding rating at their most recent CRA exam shall not receive a routine CRA exam more often than once each 5 years. Small institutions having received a satisfactory rating at their most recent CRA exam shall not receive a routine CRA exam more often than once each 4 years.
- Directs the Federal Reserve Board to conduct a study of the default rates, delinquency rates, and profitability of CRA loans.
- Directs the Treasury, in consultation with the bank regulators, to study the extent to which adequate services are being provided as intended by the CRA.
- Requires a GAO study of possible revisions to S corporation rules that may be helpful to small banks.
- Requires Federal banking regulators to use plain language in their rules published after January 1, 2000.
- Allows Federal savings associations converting to national or State bank charters to retain the term "Federal" in their names.
- Allows one or more thrifts to own a banker's bank.
- Provides for technical assistance to miccroenterprises (meaning businesses with fewer than 5 employees that lack access to conventional loans, equity, or other banking services). This program will be administered by the Small Business Administration.
- Requires annual independent audits of the financial statements of each Federal Reserve bank and the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
- Authorizes information sharing among the Federal Reserve Board and Federal or State authorities.
- Requires a GAO study analyzing the conflict of interest faced by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System between its role as a primary regulator of the banking industry and its role as a vendor of services to the banking and financial services industry.
- Requires the Federal banking agencies to conduct a study of banking regulations regarding the delivery of financial services, and recommendations on adapting those rules to online banking and lending activities.
- Protects FDIC resources by restricting claims for the return of assets transferred from a holding company to an insolvent subsidiary bank.
- Provides relief to out-of-State banks generally by allowing them to charge interest rates in certain host states that are no higher than rates in their home states.
- Allows foreign banks generally to establish and operate Federal branches or agencies with the approval of the Federal Reserve Board and the appropriate banking regulator if the branch has been in operation since September 29, 1994 or the applicable period under appropriate State law.
- Expresses the sense of the Congress that individuals offering financial advice and products should offer such services and products in a nondiscriminatory, nongender-specific manner.
- Permits the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board and the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission to substitute designees to serve on the Emergency Oil and Gas Guarantee Loan Guarantee Board and the Emergency Steel Loan Guarantee Board.
- Repeals section 11(m) of the Federal Reserve Act, removing the stock collateral restriction on the amount of a loan made by a State bank member of the Federal Reserve System.
- Allows the FDIC to reverse an accounting entry designating about $1 billion of SAIF dollars to a SAIF special reserve, which would not otherwise be available to the FDIC unless the SAIF designated reserve ratio declines by about 50% and would be expected to remain at that level for more than one year.
- Allow directors serving on the boards of public utility companies to also serve on the boards of banks.
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