Wind Electrical Power
Wind Elecrical Power Generators -HOME arrow Design Library
Friday, 14 November, 2008
Introduction to Wind Power
Wind energy
Wind into Watts
The wind generator
Turbine siting
Grid management

We provide:

Wind turbine design and wind farm design for wind power generation, wind speed maps and wind forecast for wind electricity generation.

TUTORIAL On Wind Forecasting
Essential Tips to ensure the success of your location ....
Wind Electrical Power Generator design request and Payment Submission Form:

The power and energy output of a wind turbine is a cubic function of the wind speed. Doubling the wind speed can mean a substantial increase in the energy output, thereby improving the economic viability of an installation. It is vital to assess the wind power potential of a site with as much accuracy as possible, taking into account seasonal as well as year to year variations in the local wind climate.

Since wind conditions can vary significantly from year to year, measurements are usually correlated with measurements taken at a nearby site, for which a longer-term record is available. The measurements at the site of interest are then ’corrected’ for the long-term trend. This will be accomplished with use of wind potential maps for the area.

We encourage you to help us with an energy analysis of your potential users — find out how many kilowatt-hours they need and how you can reasonably pare that number down!

The wind potential of your location, combined with your energy analysis of your users, will make possible for us to suggest the type, size, installation details and SMRP (Suggested Manufacturer Retail Price) to choose a rugged turbine that will produce what you expect. Usually at least two options are provided.

We will also budget for equipment rental, like a backhoe and crane, concrete and rebar, electrical components, shipping, and sales tax. We will also factor in installation labor expenses.

Please submit your payment of $499:00
for a Wind Electrical Power Generator Design Report for your proposed location.

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Contact Information
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Work Location
Completion Date
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