Counter Competitive Intelligence

Due diligence to protect your company.

Counter Competitive Intelligence (CCI)

Regarding employees,
we check

For Internal Network Monitoring:

About us

Why do a CCI test?

You should conduct a Competitive Intelligence assessment on your company. Why? Because your competitors are doing the same about your company.

1. They build a company profile
2. Who are the movers and shakers
3. Lines of business
4. Proprietary information

For example your receptionist log/database will reveal: which scientist visited your company, how often, and what is their expertise. This allows to build a competitive profile of the type of research being done at your facility and by extension what type of research these facilities are capable of.

Is the receptionists computer free of viruses and worms? Only less than 50% of them are detected by antivirus programs available currently. The only way to detect all of them is by monitoring anomalous traffic.

Many essential facts are out there on the internet about your company. About many of these you do not know. We will reveal this information and advise you on how to protect it.

Our assessment and/or monitoring will resolve these problems and prevent them from happening in the future.

To start a Counter Competitive Intelligence assessment, please submit:

Business Name:
Contact Information:
Email Address:
URL or IP address: